Things Not to Do While Optimizing your Website

Search engine optimization is a practice that involves a wealth of outcomes. The methods and practices used can make or break the success of your optimization strategy. To start with, here are some things you most definitely shouldn’t do while optimizing your website. Duplication of content One of the worst practices that many people starting a new website do is content duplication. This means that the same content appears on more than a single site or URL . One must understand that search engines cannot always decipher which content is the original one and which has been duplicated, which can prove to be a great problem. Forgetting about the site once it is life We don’t doubt that you have been constantly badgering the web developers to get your site live. However, you must remember that web developers only focus on getting it all live. They are hardly concerned with the aesthetics of the site or its optimization. Your job doesn’t stop once the site is live. In fact, y...